20年代初,与长兄开设1 家小型美术印刷厂,出版《三日画报》,参加上海的漫画会。
民国17年(1928年)与叶浅予创办《上海漫画》。这是我国第1 个专门刊载漫画的画刊。尔后又与长兄创设时代印刷厂和时代图书公司,创办《时代漫画》、《时代画报》、《独立漫画》等画刊。他不仅为这些画刊提供作品、设计封面,而且从事印刷、出版和发行等工作。抗日和平 全面爆发后,他曾短期出版《抗日画报》和《重生 画报》,并创作以抗日为题材的漫画。
民国26年底流亡香港。曾担任《申报》画刊主编、《星岛日报》印刷部主任、《旧事 报》美术编辑,还与人合办《大众生活》。曾编辑出版《如此汪精卫》漫画集,继续进行抗日宣扬 活动。日本人企图胁迫他参加亲日的《大同》刊物工作,因此 他被迫弃笔从商,与人合开福禄寿饭店。后来占据 香港的日本当局将其列入黑名单,他闻讯后于民国32年春逃往桂林,在桂林与长兄开办家具装潢 公司。他并参加熊佛西等人组织的“文垦团”的活动。
民国34年春,与长兄一同 到达重庆,筹办中国美术工厂。抗克服 利后,他返回上海。不久赴台,被台湾省建设厅聘为专门委员,并担任台湾旅行社常务理事,负责编印《光复后的台湾》画集。
1949年9月到香港。不久,他和在港的1 批艺术家一同 回到北京。
1950年春,张正宇应邀参加在广州召开的华南文明 工作者会议。会后回北京,担任中国青年艺术剧院的舞台美术顾问。同时还前后 兼任《人民画报》、《美术》、《戏剧报》编委,《解放军画报》、《解放军文艺》、《中国建设》等刊物的美术顾问。曾被选为中国美术家协会、中国戏剧家协会理事和北京市政协委员等。他工作认真,1 丝不苟,在进行舞台美术设计时,并不满足于画面上的设计,而是在排练乃至于表演 过程中,不断地进行揣摩 和修正 。曾将本身 的创作经验写成《舞台美术小语》1 文,在报上发表。在进行舞台美术设计创作的同时,还从事工艺、装帧、装璜 、影剧以致 于博览会 、团体操、节日游行的美术设计,进行多方面的艺术创作,为此付出了辛苦 劳动。
1965年,他为第三届全国体育运动会设计团体操《革命赞歌》,获金质奖。他与其兄合作创作的大型动画片《大闹天宫》,受到国内外的赞誉。他在国画、书法、金石等方面也很有研讨 。暮年 多作水墨小品,为人所收藏 。特别爱画猫,将神态各异的猫纳入基本图形,或方或圆,无不生动活泼,故有“猫翁”之誉。所作篆隶别具1 格,其情势 美也得力于绘画和工艺美术。他的书画金石作品,后汇集成《张正宇书画全集 》、《张正宇书画金石作品选》出版。
1976年10月27日病逝,长年 72岁。
Zhang Zhengyu, old person of alias stone door, be born at Qing Guangxu 30 years (1904) , without person of 3 lis of bridges outside stannic north door. From small love brushwork. Private school passes on one's early years, become in flour factory after trainee, along with long elder brother Zhang Guangyu goes to Shanghai when 17 years old, learn scale advertisement and setting.
Person life
At the beginning of 20 time
At the beginning of 20 time, open one wife and children art to presswork with long elder brother factory, publish " 3 days of pictorial " , the caricature that attends Shanghai is met.
The Republic of China 17 years
The Republic of China 17 years (1928) grant to establish with Xie Jian " Shanghai caricature " . This is the first pictorial section of a newspaper of our country that publishs cartoon technically. Presswork with times of activate of long elder brother again thereafter factory and times books company, establish " times caricature " , " age illustrated magazine or newspaper " , " independent caricature " wait for pictorial section of a newspaper. He provides cover of work, design for these pictorial section of a newspaper not only, and be engaged in pressworking, publish and issue wait for the job. After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts in the round, he ever short-term publish " the pictorial that fight day " and " new student pictorial " , produce the caricature that is subject matter with fighting day.
The Republic of China 26 years
The Republic of China 26 the end of the year are exiled Hong Kong. Ever held the position of " declare " chief editor of pictorial section of a newspaper, " astral island daily " presswork department head, " news signs up for " art edits, as joint as the person still " the people lives " . Ever edited publish " such Wang Jingwei " caricature collect, proceed combats day of propaganda. Japanese purpose is threatening he attends pro-Japanese " Great Harmony " the journal works, consequently he is forced to abandon a pen from business, close restaurant of blessing salary birthday with the person. The Japanese authorities of occupational later Hong Kong includes blacklist his, after he hears the news at the Republic of China 32 years spring escape toward Guilin, be in Guilin and company of upholster of open of long elder brother. He attends Xiong Fo person organization waits on the west " Wen Ken is round " activity.
The Republic of China 34 years
The Republic of China 34 years spring, arrive at Chongqing together with long elder brother, make preparations Chinese art works. After war of resistance against aggression wins, he returns Shanghai. Go to a stage before long, be hired to be special committee member by hall of Taiwan province construction, hold the position of Taiwan travel agent standing director, negative editor-in-charge imprints " the Taiwan after recover " picture collect.
Went to Hong Kong in September 1949. Before long, he and a batch of artists in harbor return Beijing together.
1950 spring, zhang Zhengyu attends the Huanawen that holds in Guangzhou to spend worker meeting on invitation. Meeting hind answers Beijing, the arena art that holds the position of theater of Chinese youth art is advisory. Still hold part-time early or late at the same time " people pictorial " , " art " , " Thespian newspaper " make up appoint, " liberation army pictorial " , " the liberation army is literary " , " China is built " the art that waits for a journal is advisory. Ever was chosen to be director of Chinese artist association, Chinese dramatist association and committee member of Beijing the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to wait. His work is serious, meticulous, when undertaking arena artistic design, do not satisfy at the design on the picture, it is in rehearse however as to show process in, undertake consider and be modificationed ceaselessly. Ever wrote oneself creation experience into " arena art little sign " one article, publish on the newspaper. Undertaking arena artistic design is created while, the artistic design that so that exhibition, round gymnastics, festival is processional,still pursues drama of craft, binding and layout, decorate, film, undertake the art of many sided is created, gave arduous work for this.
1965, he can design round gymnastics for athletic sports of the 3rd whole nation " revolutionary paean " , win golden qualitative award. He and the large cartoon that collaboration of its elder brother creates " be troubled by heavenly palace greatly " , get domestic and international recognition. He also has research very much in the respect such as traditional Chinese painting, calligraphy, inscriptions. Old age makes sketch of water Chinese ink more, for person place collect carefully. Special love draws a cat, bearing the cat of each different brings into basic figure, or square or round, all without exception is lively, reason has " feline old man " praise. What make seal be subordinate to having a unique style, its form beauty is capable also at brushwork and arts and crafts. Work of his inscriptions of painting and calligraphy, the assemble is become after " anthology of Zhang Zhengyu painting and calligraphy " , " work of inscriptions of Zhang Zhengyu painting and calligraphy is chosen " publish.
Died of illness on October 27, 1976, all the year round is 72 years old.