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贺友直 - 著名中国画家、书画鉴定家陈佩秋评

2022-03-11 17:16:39




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 贺友直(1922~2016),生于上海,浙江宁波镇海(现为北仑)人,为我国著名连环画家、线描大师。自学绘画,1949年起开始画连环画,在上海人民美术出版社工作。他从事连环画创作50多年,共创作了百余本连环画作品,对我国的连环画创作和线描艺术作出了严重 贡献。

曾任上海人民美术出版社编审,1980年被借调地方 美术学院任教授,后为中国美术家协会第四届常务理事、中国美术家协会连环画艺术委员会主任、中国出版工作者协会连环画研讨 会副会长、上海美术家协会第四届副主席,中国连环画研讨 会第二届副会,上海美术家协会副主度,上海市文联委员,地方 美术学院教授(学位研讨 生导师),上海人民美术出版社编审等职务,享用 国务院特殊津贴。


 版的《火车上的战役 》曾在1957年全国青年美术作品展览中获1 等奖。他的作品《山乡巨变》,被称为是中国连环画史上的里程碑式的杰作,并于1963年在文明 部与中国美术家协会举办的全国第1 届连环画评奖会上获的1 等奖。

他的得意之作还有《白光》、《山乡巨变》《朝阴沟 》、《连升三级》、《十5 贯》、《小二黑结婚》、《申江风情录》等。《白光》获第二届全国连环画评奖绘画1 等奖;《十5 贯》、《朝阴沟 》、《皮九辣子》等均获全国奖;出版有《贺友直谈连环画创作》《李双双》等。







上海画家、连环画泰斗贺友直日前获首届“中国美术奖·毕生 成就奖”,“中国美术奖”是中宣部批准设立,文明 部、中国文联、中国美协主办,并由中国美协承办的国家级美术最高奖,含“创作奖”、“理论评论奖”、“毕生 成就奖”三个子项。“创作奖”在“全国美术作品展览”中产生,每5 年评选1 次。“毕生 成就奖”要求年龄在八十周岁以上。上海连环画家贺友直潘鹤高虹方成赵延年王伯敏等6位老艺术家获此殊荣。


 贺友直先生的白描新作《小街世相》图,以我同道观之,则不独为贺公又1 力作,也足当画坛1 项新的学术成果。这套作品还是纯用精当圆熟白描,仿佛引着我们度过时空的隧道返至半个多世纪之前 的上海,那种感觉,那种气息扑面而来,精确 而生动,真是1 卷令人哀之怜之念之的黄浦滩头图,足可与《清明上河图》前后映照。在这洋洋大观当中 ,过来人贺友直先生不独是客观的描蘑浅薄的怀旧,你透后那千变万化的1 根根线所描出的万象,可以体味他那双法眼,是何等锐利,何等温情,又何等的难以言表啊!其中不独是艺的高超,亦是他生活哲学的发酵。


 他是与新中国一同 成长的画家。新中国成立那年,他28岁,没有工作,生活困难。听说画连环画可以挣钱,就买了赵树理的小说《福贵》,莫名其妙 地自编自绘了200多幅,竟然让1 个画商印了出来,处女作就这样问世了……

20世纪60年代初,他经过刻苦研究 中国传统线描技法,创作出融思想性、艺术性于1 炉的代表作《山乡巨变》,从而构成 了本身 的独特风格,获得了美术界的高度评价。



贺友直自幼丧母,由乡下姑妈抚养,在大碶王隘1 本小学入学,后转至新碶小学续学。当时的新碶小学设在破旧的关帝庙里,人称“凉亭”,校舍的艰苦状态 可想而知。可那破庙里有个斑驳脱落的戏台,戏台四周模模糊糊 地显现出《三国演义》的绘画,他被那传神绘画迷住了,1 次次仔细 地描摹、比照、思索、修正 ,凭着这些无师自通瞎折腾性质的实践,他的美术课成绩居然在小先生 中遥遥领先。1937年,他在新碶小学毕业,这年恰逢抗日和平 爆发,他随着父亲的失业而失学。他前后 到小铁工厂、印刷厂里当学徒,还做过1 段时期的农村小学教师。在乡下,他觉得本身 似乎混不出什么名堂来,便决定出门闯荡“十里洋场”大上海!由于 十分喜欢画画,踏上十六铺码头,他就四下寻觅画画的地方,他找到了1 家美术社,说本身 能画画,美术社的老板让他画了几张画,还真有点意思,就收留了他。在这里,1 个叫陈在新的画师收他为徒,成为他的启蒙老师,教他学画具有商业价值的商标。他的美术创作起步就是从画商标开始的。后来,有亲戚见他喜欢画画,画的人物也像模像样的,就给他引见、结识了专画连环画的画家,从此,他踏上了连环画创作的道路。

他的第1 部作品是根据赵树理小说改编的《福贵》。把小说改成连环画先得编文字脚本,他凭着小学读的那几年书,硬是把脚本1 条条地编了出来,当然,由于他是画画的,他在编脚本的时候,已 把画面充分地考虑进去,只是让文字简明扼要地说明画面难以表达的意思。1 本连环画最少 要画200幅摆布 ,之前 他从没1 下子画过这么多,为了让本身 的第1 部作品成型,连“构图”两字也没听过的他,就起早贪黑地画,睡梦里也画,1 时间,他租住的陋室1 幅幅画稿铺天盖地!此时,因他已涉足于美术出版界,当他画好后,1 个画商很快认可了他的处女作,把画稿印成了连环画,进入市场。眼见本身 的画稿成为商品,换来了能保持 生存的稿酬,可以在人海茫茫的大上海立足了,他高兴得手舞足蹈,好几天没合上眼。让他想不到的是,他由此跨入了连环画创作的“门槛儿”,成为一位 专业连环画家!



成为连环画家的贺友直谦虚 向刘继卣顾炳鑫等名画家学习。前后 问世的《坚持到明天》、《火车上的战役 》、《六千里寻母》、《卓娅和舒拉》、《连升三级》、《孙中山伦敦蒙难》、《杨根思》、《送传单》和《新结识的伙伴》等许多为群众欢迎的作品,就是在对各种表现情势 的尝试和摸索中创作的。60年代初。他经过苦心研究 和学习中国传统线描的画法,找到了本身 的路子,创作出思想性、艺术性较高又独具风格的代表作《山乡巨变》。这部作品的问世,不仅受到读者的广泛爱好 ,而且引发 全国画坛的注视 ,于1963年全国连环画评奖时荣获1 等奖,1 时成为初学者的学习范本和美术爱好者的珍贵藏本。有的读者甚至因而 改变了本来 轻视连环画的观点,承认它是无愧于可登“大雅之堂”的艺术。《山乡巨变》的成就,使人们开始关注贺友直的创作道路及其艺术特色。贺友直也开始更盲目 地探索创作规律。从题材内容的选择到表现方法的应用 ,都力求减少盲目性,尽可能使艰苦的创作劳动取得预期的效果。不少内行称赞贺友直的成就在于创作上“想的点子巧,刻划人物妙,环境配得好。”贺友直摸索到:作为画故事的画家,必须学会“做戏”,所谓做戏,就是襟怀 故事全局,挖掘人物内在的性情 冲突,拔取 和捕捉生活中富有表现力的可视抽象 。连环画《李双双》中李双双和喜旺闹别扭后和好,贺友直别出心裁地设计了双双让小孩把开门钥匙递给喜旺这1 细节,相当生动、传神。《十5 贯》脚本1 开头交代说:尤葫芦开肉铺,嗜洒贪杯。贺友直把画面没计为:尤葫芦敞胸坠肚,吃力地扑到肉案上挥扇轰赶臭猪头上嗡嗡乱飞的苍蝇,侧面过来了托盘端酒的养女苏戌娟。这个匠心构思,“戏”出来了,不但可画可视,而且增加 了容量,不光有“嗜酒贪杯”,还有肉铺生意不佳,臭猪头卖不出去,店主烦躁不快等等。

贺友直的创作表明,他的“做戏”,既富无情 趣,又真实可信。打开长达396幅的《山乡巨变》,那些生活在富有浓郁的地方特色的湖南山乡的人们,在农业合作化运动中的1 言1 行、—举—动,被描绘得妙趣横生,逼真 自然。这—切说明,画家从生活出发来“做戏”的创作方法是正确而高明的。


老当益壮 笑面人生

贺友直连环画作品享誉海内外,1 些代表作曾到英、法等国展览,还应邀在法国美术学院讲课。1980年地方 美术学院成立连环画年画系时,特聘贺友直兼任教授。1985年12月,人民美术出版社出版《贺友直谈连环画创作》。嗣后几年,《贺友直短篇连环画全集 》、《贺友直画本身 》、《中国连环画名家经典——贺友直》等又在京、沪等地出版。他的名字被列入《中国大百科全书》条目。他的形像和代表作品人物,被制成地砖铺在法国昂古莱姆市法国国家连环画和图像中心的广场上,在我国众多有成就画家中,他是独一 获得此项荣誉的画家。2002年,八十高龄的贺友直创作出白描巨制《申江风情录》,以白描的特有魅力,描绘出小街之喧嚣、生意之兴盛 。2003年底,他根据儿时记忆,为家乡父老创作了《新碶老街风情录》组画,并将原作捐赠给北仑博物馆。

贺友直常说,家乡的山水养育了我,家乡的童年生活是我取之不尽的创作源泉。在沪上闯荡了60多年后,老人思念养育他的故乡,在家乡的原祖基旁新置了1 处住房,经常从上海返家乡走走看看,与家乡的父老同乡 相见、叙旧。《新碶老街风情录》所表现的家乡景物全凭贺友直少年时代的记忆,老人对家乡的感情和清晰的记忆,让许多人惊叹不已!

见过贺友直的人都会深切地感受到,老人达观开朗,诙谐风趣。一生 的曲折经历使老人具有 1 份睿智和大度,足以令他笑对人生的风云变幻。他常对人自嘲道:“连环画是‘小儿科’”,称本身 “充其量是个连环画家而已”。诙谐幽默的率真以外 ,老人对社会上种种卑劣恶俗的世情,横眉冷对、疾恶如仇。他有1 幅自画像,他给本身 画了个很夸张的伸长着的耳朵,1 对睿智锐利率真的眼睛,从眼镜上方审视般地凝视 着纷纷杂杂的人世万象,那潜台词是:“哈,什么都逃不过我的眼睛!”这位八十多岁的高龄老人,仍具有 1 对清澈纯真的眼睛!



 贺友直纪念馆设在贺友直艺术馆内。贺友直艺术馆位于北仑新碶街道西河塘路3号,于2010年底成立开放。馆内建筑面积800余平方米,共分上下三层。1 楼为教室和接待室;二楼是展现 厅和工作室,收藏了贺友直200余幅经典画作的复制品、连环画册和 获奖证书、照片、书籍等各种实物;三楼是生活区。据贺友直艺术馆馆长贺惠忠介绍,在揭牌典礼 举行后,接上去 他们将着手对艺术馆的部分功能区域及风格进行适当改造,计划在明年贺老逝世1 周年之际开放纪念馆。

贺惠忠介绍,改造计划包括:将本来 1 楼的教室及另外几间房子改为介绍贺老生平事迹的陈列室,陈列物品有文字介绍、图片材料 及多媒体音像播放等情势 。二楼展厅仍旧以展览贺老代表作品为主,工作室将力求呈现贺老生前创作时的场景,那里将陈设贺老的书桌、书柜、笔墨纸砚等物品;三楼的生活区将陈设贺老生前用过的饭桌、椅子、床、碗筷及他最爱好 的酒壶等生活用品,力求恢复贺老生前平实、质朴而又富无情 趣的生活气息。另外,在纪念馆进门后的1 个院子内,将竖立1 座贺老的铜雕像。据他介绍,这座铜雕像将以贺老于2014年12月参加第六届“上海文学艺术奖”颁奖典礼时拍的1 张照片为模型。“贺老生前对这张照片很满意,曾对身旁的人说过,将来百年以后 如要刻他的像,就以这张照片为准。”贺惠忠透露说,雕像已落实上海大学美术学院设计制造 。

Introduction in English

 Commonweal Cartoons


On May 29, 1949, Zhang Leping and Liu Kaiqu, Yang Keyang, Zheng Yefu, Pang Xunqian, Zhu Xuanxian, Wen Zhaotong, Chen Yanqiao, Shao Keping and Zhao Yannian, the pioneers of Fine Arts in the national areas, issued a "declaration of artists" to welcome liberation on behalf of the Shanghai art community in the "Ta Kung Pao". The publication of the "declaration" marked the fine arts in the Guotong area. And the modern art history of Shanghai has opened a new page.


In 1950, Zhang Leping served as Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Artists Association and later as Vice-Chairman of Shanghai Branch of China Artists Association for a long time. He also served as Director, Standing Director, Consultant, Member of China Federation of Artists, and Member of the CPPCC National Committee. In the 1950s and 1960s, Zhang Leping created a large number of current affairs cartoons, which were famous for Shanghai Beach. During this period, Zhang Leping not only created a single cartoon, but also a series of cartoons. Zhang Leping has long painted for children in such publications as "Children's" and "Children's Age", and often went to schools and children's palaces to guide children. He has won the title of "National Advanced Child Worker" several times.


Zhang Leping's artistic career is colorful. In addition to cartoons, his New Year's pictures, illustrations, sketches, sketches, watercolor paintings, paper-cuts and traditional Chinese paintings have reached a high level. For example, his New Year's pictures won the first prize at the National Art Exhibition.


On June 1, 1977, ten years after San Mao's departure, he returned to life as a series of cartoons, "San Mao Xue Lei Feng". Later, Zhang Leping created a series of comic strips, such as "Sanmao Ai Science", "Sanmao and Sports", "Sanmao Travel Records" and "Sanmao Learning Method".


In 1983, the Ministry of Culture held a donation and award ceremony for the original manuscript of Sanmao Wanderers in Beijing, which was collected by the Chinese Art Museum. In the same year, the respectable father of Sanmao was awarded the title of "National Advanced Worker for Children and Adolescents". In 1985, he won the first "Camphor Tree Award" of China Welfare Association.


Since 1983, Zhang Leping has suffered from severe Parkinson's syndrome and encountered great difficulties in his creation. However, he still persisted in drawing with trembling hands in activities such as "disaster relief bazaar". At ordinary times, we are still concerned about our cartoon industry and the cause of youth education.


In 1985, Cartoon World was first published in Shanghai, with Zhang Leping as editor-in-chief.


In 1986, he created the last comic strip, Man to Old Age.


In 1989, Chen Maoping, a well-known Taiwanese woman writer with the pen name of "Sanmao", came thousands of miles to Shanghai to search for her father, and was passed on as a literary tale. In his later years, Zhang Leping poured great enthusiasm into the cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait.


In 1991, with the article "My Daughter" Sanmao, he was awarded the special prize of "Cross-Strait Situation" by the Central People's Broadcasting Station.


On April 4, 1991, the last cartoon, "Cat Feeding Rat" was published in Jiefang Daily.


In the winter of 1991, Zhang Leping decided to donate the original manuscript of Sanmao Junji to the Shanghai Museum of Art.


On January 23, 1992, the condition of inhalation pneumonia deteriorated in Shanghai East China Hospital.


At 6 p.m. on September 27, 1992, he died at the East China Hospital in Shanghai at the age of 82.

personal honor


He has held personal art exhibitions in France, Germany and Singapore.


He Youzhi Art Exhibition was held in Shanghai Art Museum and Guangzhou Art Museum.


His works have been exhibited in Britain, Norway, Switzerland, Korea and Hong Kong.


He has taught at Nanyang Academy of Art in Singapore and Angullem College of Higher Imaging in France, and obtained the Honorary Citizenship Certificate of Angullem City in France.


His works have been collected by China Art Museum, Shanghai Art Museum and Guangzhou Art Museum, and have been awarded by the Shanghai Municipal Government.


Shanghai painter and comic book leader He Youzhi recently won the first "Chinese Fine Arts Award Lifelong Achievement Award". The "Chinese Fine Arts Award" was approved by the Central Propaganda Department. It was sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Chinese Federation and the Chinese Association of Fine Arts. It was also the highest National Art Award sponsored by the Chinese Association of Fine Arts, including the "Creation Award", "Theory Comment Award" and "Lifelong Achievement There are three sub-items of Achievement Award. The "Creation Award" comes into being in the "National Art Exhibition" and is selected every five years. The Lifelong Achievement Award requires people over 80 years of age. He Youzhi, a Shanghai comic artist, and six old artists, Pan He, Gaohong, Fang Cheng, Zhao Yannian and Wang Bomin, won the honor.


Appreciative Remarks


Mr. He Youzhi's new white sketch, The Story of the Small Street, is not only a masterpiece for He Gong, but also a new academic achievement in the field of painting. This set of works is pure and complete, as if it led us back to Shanghai more than half a century ago through the tunnels of time and space. The feeling, the breath coming, accurate and vivid, is really a pitiful volume of Huangpu beachhead map, which can be fully reflected in the front and back of Qingming Shanghe Tu. In this magnificent view, Mr. He Youzhi is not only an objective description of the shallow nostalgia, but also the myriad phenomena depicted by the ever-changing lines after you penetrate them. You can appreciate how sharp, warm and indescribable his eyes are. It is not only the superb art, but also the fermentation of his philosophy of life.

He Youzhi Memorial Hall


He Youzhi Memorial Museum is located in He Youzhi Art Museum. He Youzhi Art Museum is located at No. 3 Xihetang Road, Xintao Street, Beilun, and opened at the end of 2010. The building area of the museum is more than 800 square meters, which is divided into three floors. On the first floor, there are classrooms and reception rooms; on the second floor, there are exhibition halls and studios, collecting copies of more than 200 classical paintings of He Youzhi, comic books, award-winning certificates, photographs, books and other objects; and on the third floor, there are living areas. According to He Huizhong, curator of He Youzhi Art Museum, after the unveiling ceremony, they will proceed with the appropriate transformation of some functional areas and styles of the museum, and plan to open the memorial hall on the first anniversary of his death next year.


He Huizhong introduced that the renovation plan included: the original classroom on the first floor and several other houses were replaced by a showroom introducing the story of He Lao's life. The exhibits included text introduction, pictures, materials and multimedia audio and video broadcasting. The exhibition hall on the second floor is still dominated by the exhibition of representative works of He Lao. The studio will try to present the scene of his creation before his death, where he Lao's desks, bookcases, pens, ink, paper inkstones and other articles will be displayed. The living area on the third floor will display the tables, chairs, beds, chopsticks and other daily necessities he used before his death, as well as his favorite wine pot. We strive to restore the plain, simple and interesting life atmosphere of He Lao. In addition, a bronze statue of He Lao will be erected in a courtyard behind the entrance of the memorial hall. According to him, the bronze statue will be modeled by a photograph taken by He Lao at the 6th Shanghai Literature and Art Award presentation ceremony in December 2014. "He Lao was very satisfied with this picture before he died. He once said to the people around him that if he wanted to carve his image in the next hundred years, he would take this picture as the criterion." He Huizhong revealed that the sculpture has been designed and produced by the Academy of Fine Arts of Shanghai University.



