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2022-03-11 17:40:19




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 中国书画家协会副主席,中国书画润格评估中心专家顾问兼副主任评委,中国毛体书法艺术家协会副主席,兼任山东书画院院长,中国庐山白鹿洞书画院顾问,《当代中国书画精品全集 》编委会主任。

其作品中国当代文人书画大赛百寿图金奖,庐山清源杯全国书画大赛获金奖,论文《论中国书画的创新》在2004年中国书画家协会首届书画艺术研讨会获特别奖书法正、草、隶、篆和墨竹图被郑板桥书画院收藏。他的山水汲取 了元朝 赵孟頫,明代项圣漠、沈周唐寅,近代张大千等各代大家的艺术真理 ,掌握传统画风功底,临摹名家师古而不泥于古,不少作品多次被韩国、日本、加拿大、新加坡、法国、德国等敌对 人士收藏。

Introduction in English

 Vice chairman of Chinese Calligrapher Association, expert consultant and deputy director judge of China calligraphy and painting Runge evaluation center, vice chairman of China MAOTI Calligraphy Artists Association, President of Shandong Academy of calligraphy and painting, consultant of China Lushan Bailudong Academy of calligraphy and painting, and director of the editorial board of contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting collection.


His works won the gold medal in the Chinese contemporary literati calligraphy and painting competition, the Lushan Qingyuan cup national calligraphy and painting competition, and the paper "on the innovation of Chinese calligraphy and painting" won the special prize in the first calligraphy and painting art seminar of Chinese Calligrapher Association in 2004. The calligraphy, grass, Li, Zhuan and ink bamboo drawings were collected by zhengbanqiao calligraphy and Painting Institute. His landscape has absorbed the artistic essence of Zhao Mengfu of Yuan Dynasty, Xiang Shengmo, Shen Zhou, Tang Yin of Ming Dynasty, Zhang Daqian of modern times and other generations. He has mastered the traditional painting style and copied the famous masters but not the ancient. Many of his works have been collected by friendly people such as South Korea, Japan, Canada, Singapore, France, Germany and so on.

