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邵岩 - 梦 的 解 析——邵岩现代书法《梦》

2022-03-11 17:40:19




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邵岩,1962年生,中国国家画院研讨 员,中国书法家协会新文艺家群体工作部委员,文明 部中国社会艺术协会中东方 美术研讨 院研讨 员,中国民主促进会会员,景德镇陶瓷中外艺术家协会艺术总监,文明 部青联书法篆刻委员会副秘书长,荣宝斋画院外聘教授、民进地方 开明画院副秘书长,中国古代 书法代表,30年历届国展示 代书法大奖获得者,参加国内外严重 展览80余次,出版专着十几本。


2012年 心迹——邵岩水墨艺术展 今日美术馆 中国北京

Introduction in English

 Shaoyan, born in 1962, is a researcher of the National Academy of painting of China, a member of the new artists group working department of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a researcher of the Chinese and Western Art Research Institute of the Chinese Social Art Association of the Ministry of culture, a member of the China Association for the promotion of democracy, the art chief supervisor of Jingdezhen Ceramic Chinese and foreign artists association, the Deputy Secretary General of the calligraphy and seal cutting Committee of the Youth League of the Ministry of culture, an external professor of rongbaozhai Academy of painting and the people's progress in China Deputy Secretary General of the central Kaiming Academy of painting, representative of modern Chinese calligraphy, winner of modern Chinese calligraphy awards in 30 years of national exhibitions, participated in more than 80 major exhibitions at home and abroad, and published more than ten books.


His works are collected by time, Wall Street Journal, northeast bank group of Italy, Hong Kong Art Museum, China Art Museum, Today Art Museum and other international important institutions. He is an independent Chinese character, ink and artist living in Beijing.


In 2012: Shaoyan ink painting art exhibition Today Art Museum Beijing, China

