旭宇,1939年生于河北玉田。1960年入党,于河北省玉田师范任教,次年任师范书法教员。1964年保送入河北大学教育系学习。1968年毕业后,前后 从事军人、记者、编辑、主编、协会负责人等工作。1973年,出版第1 部诗集《军垦新曲》。1980年,参加河北省书法家协会的创建工作。1981年,加入中国作家协会。1983年11月,任河北省文联民间文学研讨 会主席兼秘书长。1987年5月任河北省文联《诗神》杂志社主编,被评为正编审。1990年举办大型个人书法展。1993年分别由国内和平出版社、日本诚文堂出版书法专著。1996年10月任河北省文联副主席。1997年11月任河北省文联副主席、河北省第三届书法家协会主席兼秘书长,后连任河北省书协第四、5 届主席。2000年任中国书协第四届副主席,连任中国书协第5 届副主席,并任中国书协楷书专业委员会主任。2007年在中国书协楷书委员会第1 次会议上提出今楷理念。
后主编《今楷报》《今楷论丛》。2014年由中国文联支持、中国书协、中国作协诗歌委员会、河北省委宣扬 部、河北省文联、河北省作协主办、河北省书协承办的“旭宇艺术研讨会”在北京中国文联举行。全国政协副主席、中国文联主席孙家正为旭宇题匾“德艺双馨”。2016年河北大学旭宇艺术馆建成。2016年创作《旭宇寄给历史的书札》30则,在《书法报》连载发表,河北美术出版社出版《寄给历史之书札》。2018年于《书法报》连载发表《老子与书画》,山东画报出版社出版《老子与书画》。2019年《书法报》于武汉为旭宇先生举办“《旭宇读书手札》品鉴会。”
1990年于河北省博物馆举办个人大型书法艺术展。1993年赴日本进行书法艺术交流,并在日本出版书法艺术专集、中国和平出版社出版书法专集。1994年出席建国45周年钓鱼台国宾馆国庆大型书画笔会,作品被中南海收藏。2002年于河北文学院举办“旭宇书法艺术展”。2004年玉田县政府筹建“旭宇艺术馆”,向家乡玉田县捐赠140件书法精品。2009年于河北省博物馆举办“旭宇与书法展览暨书法作品收藏典礼 ”,向博物馆捐赠书法精品20余幅。2016年,向母校河北大学捐赠126书法精品,河北大学专门建立旭宇艺术馆常年收藏陈列展现 旭宇书法作品。2019年向母校河北大学捐赠藏品《张大千敦煌壁画考察笔记》2册、《王国维小楷》手迹3册文物珍品。
诗集《春鼓》,1983年荣获河北省政府首届文艺复兴 奖;
诗集《云·篝火·故土》,1991年荣获河北省文艺创?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/1/8/9873.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>陆保?/p>
书法作品《邪气 歌》,1997年获文明 部书法银奖;
Xu Yu was born in Yutian, Hebei Province in 1939. In 1960, he joined the party and taught in Yutian Normal University of Hebei Province. The next year, he was a calligraphy teacher in Normal University. In 1964, he was sent to the Education Department of Hebei University for study. After graduation in 1968, he successively worked as a soldier, journalist, editor, editor in chief, director of the association, etc. In 1973, he published the first poetry collection, new songs for military reclamation. In 1980, he participated in the founding work of Hebei Calligrapher Association. In 1981, he joined the Chinese Writers Association. In November 1983, he served as the chairman and Secretary General of the Folk Literature Research Association of Hebei Federation of literary and art circles. In May 1987, he was the editor in chief of poetry magazine of Hebei Federation of literary and art circles, and was rated as the editor in chief. In 1990, a large personal calligraphy exhibition was held. In 1993, it was published by domestic peace press and Japan chengwentang. In October 1996, he was vice chairman of Hebei Federation of literary and art circles. In November 1997, he served as vice chairman of Hebei Federation of literary and art circles, chairman and Secretary General of the third Calligrapher Association of Hebei Province, and then reappointed as the fourth and fifth chairman of Hebei Calligrapher Association. In 2000, he served as the fourth vice chairman of China Book Association, the fifth vice chairman of China Book Association, and the chairman of regular script Professional Committee of China Book Association. In 2007, at the first meeting of regular script Committee of Chinese Calligraphy Association, the concept of modern regular script was put forward.
Later, he was the editor in chief of Jinkai daily and Jinkai argumentation. In 2014, "Xuyu art seminar" supported by China Federation of literary and art, sponsored by China Book Association, poetry Committee of China Writers Association, Publicity Department of Hebei provincial Party committee, Hebei Federation of literary and art, Hebei Writers Association and sponsored by Hebei Book Association was held in Beijing China Federation of literary and art. Sun Jiazheng, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the China Federation of literary and art circles, inscribed a plaque for Xu Yu with the title of "double happiness in virtue and art". In 2016, Xuyu Art Museum of Hebei University was completed. In 2016, he created 30 pieces of letters sent by Xuyu to history, which were published in the calligraphy newspaper, and Hebei Fine Arts Publishing House published letters sent to history. In 2018, he published Laozi and calligraphy and painting in the calligraphy newspaper, and Laozi and calligraphy and painting in Shandong Pictorial Publishing House. In 2019, calligraphy daily held "Xuyu reading notes" appraisal meeting for Mr. Xuyu in Wuhan
In 1990, he held a large personal calligraphy art exhibition in Hebei Provincial Museum. In 1993, he went to Japan for calligraphy art exchange and published calligraphy art monograph in Japan and calligraphy monograph in China Peace Press. In 1994, he attended the large-scale calligraphy and painting meeting of Diaoyutai state guesthouse on the 45th Anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China, and his works were collected by Zhongnanhai. In 2002, "Xuyu calligraphy art exhibition" was held in Hebei University of Arts. In 2004, Yutian county government prepared to build "Xuyu Art Museum" and donated 140 fine calligraphy works to Yutian County. In 2009, "Xuyu and calligraphy exhibition and calligraphy works collection ceremony" was held in Hebei Provincial Museum, and more than 20 pieces of fine calligraphy works were donated to the museum. In 2016, 126 calligraphy masterpieces were donated to Hebei University, the alma mater of Hebei University. Hebei University specially established Xuyu art museum to collect and display Xuyu calligraphy works throughout the year. In 2019, he donated to his alma mater Hebei University two volumes of "notes on investigation of Dunhuang frescoes by Zhang Daqian" and three volumes of cultural relics and treasures of handwriting by Wang Guowei Xiaokai.