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汤姆·罗伯茨Tom Roberts

2022-04-28 13:18:48
汤姆·罗伯茨Tom Roberts

艺术名家:汤姆·罗伯茨Tom Roberts



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罗伯茨的画 大图片罗伯茨出生在 多切斯特 , 多塞特 , 英格兰 虽然有些神秘,在他的实际出生日期:他的出生证明说,8月1856,而他的墓碑上刻9个月。 [他随父母移居澳大利亚,在1869住到亲戚家。沉降 科林伍德 ,郊区 墨尔本 , 维多利亚 ,他作为1 个摄影师的助手在1870年代在研讨 艺术早晨 下 路易斯buvelot 而且与其他人成为杰出的艺术家,特别 是 麦卡宾 。他回到英国,三年的全职学习艺术的 皇家学院 从1881到1884。他跑遍了西班牙1883的澳大利亚艺术家 约翰彼得罗素 ,在那里他遇到了西班牙艺术家 Laureano巴劳 和 卡萨斯 谁给他介绍的准绳 印象主义 和plein空气绘画。 而在伦敦和巴黎,他以画家的进步的影响 朱勒巴斯蒂安· 和 James Abbott mcneill惠斯勒 。 [

通过世纪八十年代和九十年代罗伯茨在Victoria工作,在他的工作室,在著名的工作室复杂 贵宾室 9柯林斯街,墨尔本。1885他开始画写生旅游 近郊 ,创造营 Box Hill 和 海德堡 他在McCubbin身边工作, 亚瑟Streeton 和 查尔斯·科恩德 工作上,代表澳大利亚的光、热、空间和距离。

1896他娶了35岁的伊丽莎白(莉莉)威廉姆森和他们的儿子,Caleb。他许多最着名 的画出自这1 时期。罗伯茨是1 个相框专家制造商和周期1903–1914中,当他画的比较少,他的大部分收入明显 来自这项工作。罗伯茨花了 第1 次世界大战 在英国协助病院 。在澳大利亚,他建立了1 个家 卡里斯泰 ,墨尔本附近。伊丽莎白死在19281 月,罗伯茨再婚,Jean Boyes,于1928八月。他死于癌症的1931在Kallista墨尔本附近。他是埋在 朗福德 , 塔斯马尼亚 。


剪切闸板 ,1890, 维多利亚国家美术馆罗伯茨画了相当数量的细油风景画和肖像画,有些画在艺术家的阵营与他的朋友McCubbin。或许 最著名的在他的时间是两大画, 剪切闸板 ,如今 显示在 维多利亚国家美术馆 和 大图片 ,显示在 堪培拉议会的房子, 。 大图片 ,描写第1 次坐在澳大利亚议会,是1 个巨大的工作,明显 的描绘和 对罗伯茨的工作质量事件。

剪切闸板 基于访问1 个 绵羊站 在 布罗克斯比 在南部 新南威尔士 ,描绘了 羊毛 工业不断 是澳大利亚的第1 大出口产业和1 个短的农村生活。当时展出,这是由于 许多评论家并不认为它符合定义的“艺术批评”。然而,由于羊毛产业是澳大利亚最大的出口行业,在当时,这是1 个主题,许多澳大利亚的人们可以识别和显示罗伯茨把他的培训工作,翻译“古典雕塑成的剪切流“粗壮的工人。 剪切可能比显示的图像复杂多了,虽然剪的规则当时想到羊进行如图所示。 

罗伯茨的许多其他作品显示的国家工作的人,与1 个类似的剪切流图像 “金羊毛” (1894),1 牛仔 赛车的羊脱离羊群在后 1 个突破! ,与人在砍伐树木 木材分配器 (1886)。罗伯茨的许多画山水或思想做了小的画布,他做得很快,如他在著名的显示 9 5印象展览 在墨尔本,“9 5”指的是英寸的尺寸的大小 雪茄盒 盖上大部分的油画。罗伯茨有更多的作品在这次博览会 上展出比别人。

1888罗伯茨在悉尼会见了Conder和他们画在一同 古基海滩 。年轻的Conder发现了这些画探险影响和决定跟随罗伯茨到墨尔本那1 年的晚些时候加入他和斯特里顿在艺术家的营地在海德堡。而康德画库吉湾强调情势 和色彩的装潢 品质,罗伯茨 “假期素描在库吉” (1888)体现了他对自然的景观效果的次要 焦点。 这是罗伯茨的plein空气”印象派”技术初期 的遗言 ,产生了太阳的强光在明亮的蓝色的大海,白色沙滩,乾草和细长的海滨植被。

English is introduced

Roberts's painting the big picture of Roberts was born in Dorchester, Dorset, England, although some mysterious, born in his actual date: his birth certificate says, in August 1856, and his tombstone of 9 months. 2. He emigrated to Australia with his parents, and lived in his home in 1869. The settlement of Collingwood, suburb of Melbourne, Vitoria, he worked as a photographer's assistant in 1870s in the study of art at night under Lewis buvelot and other people become outstanding artists, especially McCubbin. He returned to the UK for three years of full-time study of the Royal Academy of Arts from 1881 to 1884. He traveled to Spain 1883 Australian artist John, Peter Russo, where he met the Spanish artist Laureano Balau and Kansas who introduced him to the principle of Impressionism and plein air painting.  while in London and Paris, he influenced the progress of the painter Jules and James McNeill Abbott by Whistler. 
Through the 80s of the century and Roberts in Victoria in his studio, in the famous studio complex VIP room 9, Collins street, Melbourne, in the year of 90s. 1885 he began sketching tour of the outer suburbs, creating camp Box Hill and Heidelberg he worked around McCubbin, Arthur Streeton and Charles Conder, Australia on behalf of the light, heat, space and distance. 
1896 he married Williamson, the son of Elizabeth, and their son, Caleb, aged 35 (). Many of his most famous paintings came from this period. Roberts is a maker of photo frames and a cycle of 1903 - 1914, when he draws relatively little, most of his income is clearly from this work. Roberts spent the first World War in Britain to assist the hospital. In Australia, he built a home near Caresse Tai, Melbourne. Elizabeth died in 1928 January, remarried, Jean Boyes, on August, 1928. He died of cancer 1931 in the vicinity of Kallista Melbourne. He was buried in Lang Fude, Tasmania.Shear gate, 1890, Vitoria The National Gallery Roberts painted a considerable number of fine oil landscapes and portraits, some painted in the artist's camp with his friend McCubbin. Perhaps the most famous in his time is the two big paintings, the shear gate, now shown in the The National Gallery in Vitoria and the big picture shows the house of Parliament in Canberra,. The big picture, described for the first time sitting in the Australian Parliament, is a huge work, with a remarkable depiction of the quality of the work as well as the events of Roberts.
Based on a visit to a sheep station in Broackes Be, in the southern New South Wales, the wool industry has been Australia's largest export industry and a short rural life. It was on display at that time because many critics did not think it was consistent with the definition of "art criticism"". However, due to the wool industry is Australia's largest export industry, at the time, this is a topic that many Australian people can identify and show Roberts to his training, "translation of classical sculpture into shear flow thick workers. shear may be much more complex than the displayed image, although the rules of shearing at the time thought of the sheep as shown in the figure. 
Many of the other works of Roberts show that people working in the state, with a similar shear flow image of "Golden Fleece" (1894), [5] a cowboy racing sheep out of the flock after a break! With the wood splitter (1886). Many of Roberts's ideas of landscape painting or a small canvas, he did very quickly, as he showed in the 95 impression exhibition famous in Melbourne, "95" refers to the size of a cigar inch in size on most of the oil painting. Roberts has more works on display at the exhibition than others.
1888 Roberts met in Sydney with Conder and drew them together on the ancient beach. The young Conder discovered the influence of these paintings expeditions and decided to follow Roberts to Melbourne later that year to join him and West Lydon at the artist's camp in Heidelberg. But Kant Gallery Ji Wan emphasizes form and color decoration quality, "Roberts holiday sketch in Coogee (1888) reflects" his main focus on natural landscape effect.it was Roberts's plein air "Impressionist" technique of early wills, which produced the sun's glare in the bright blue sea, white sandy beaches, dry grass and the elongated coastal vegetation.

