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2022-03-11 17:43:31




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1951年毕业于地方 美术学院实用美术系。历任地方 美院展览工作室、中国革命博物馆展览设计,研讨 员、北京博物馆学会名誉理事、陈列设计委员会主任。享用 政府特殊津贴。书籍装帧设计有《纪念孙中山画集》、《中国纪念馆概述》等。展览设计有李大钊革命事迹陈列、孙中山纪念展及毛里塔尼亚文明 之家室内设计、建党60周年展览设计等。
曾掌管 或参与的博物馆、展览设计:亚洲及太平洋地区和平会议及对美国细菌战罪行展览;莫斯科中华人民共和国经济建设成就展;鞍钢三大工程施工展;支援 毛里塔尼亚青年之家、文明 之家、室内设计(图书馆、博物馆);全国科技大会基础科学馆;纪念朱德同志展;贝尔格莱德“中共60年图片展”;三中全会以来伟大成就展;西藏博物馆博物馆建筑、陈列方案评审;南京博物院、陕西博物馆、河北省博物馆、河南博物院、洛阳博物馆、井冈山纪念馆、山西博物院、丹东抗美援朝纪念馆、李大钊、毛泽东、刘少奇、任弻时纪念馆、西柏坡纪念馆。
次要 著作论文:《名人故居辅助陈列的艺术设计》、《南斯拉夫革命博物馆的陈列艺术》、《对中国革命史陈列艺术设计的思考》、《颐和园宁堂宫廷家具珍品展设计》、《新时期博物馆陈列艺术设计的回顾与瞻望 》、《尊重传统量体裁衣 表现个性——谈中山堂<孙中山与北京>展设计》等。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Shiqi (1932.2, ) . Peking Man. Be good at exhibiting design, arts and crafts.
Was graduated from central academy of fine arts 1951 functional art is. Have successively held the posts of central beautiful courtyard to exhibit museum of revolution of atelier, China to show a design, museology of researcher, Beijing is met reputation director, display design committee chairman. Enjoy a government special allowance. Design of book binding and layout has " commemorate Sun Zhongshan draws volume " , " Chinese memorial hall is summarized " etc. Exhibition design has achievement of Li Dazhao revolution to display, Sun Zhongshan souvenir exhibits an interior design that reachs the Daniyawen in wool to change, found a party 60 years to exhibit a design to wait.
The museum that ever chaired or participates in, exhibition designs: Asia and conference of Pacific Area peace and exhibit to crime of American bacterium battle; Economy of Muscovite People's Republic of China builds achievement to exhibit; Construction of 3 big projects exhibits saddle steel; The Daniya in aid wool is the young home, home of culture, indoor design (the library, museum) ; House of background science of congress of countrywide science and technology; Commemorate Comrade Zhu De to exhibit; Beiergelaide " 60 years the picture exhibits the Communist Party of China " ; 3 in great success is exhibited since plenary meeting; Building of Tibetan museum museum, display program evaluation; Dongkang of museum of memorial hall of museum of museum of Nanjing museum, Shaanxi museum, Heibei province museum, Henan, Luoyang, the Jinggang Mountains, Shanxi, red is beautiful the aid face memorial hall, Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Liu Shaoji, memorial hall when holding the post of , Xi Baipo.
Main book paper: " celebrity former residence assists the artistic design that display " , " of Yugoslavia revolution museum display art " , " to Chinese revolution Shi Chen lists what art designs to think " , " curiosa of furniture of palace of Summer Palace Ning Tang exhibits a design " , " new period museum displays artistic design.

