方放,1968年生。幼承家学,酷爱书画。1990毕业于清华大学美术学院陶瓷设计系。现为中国书法家协会会员,北京书法家协会理事,北京书法家协会妇女工作委员会委员,地方 书画艺术研讨 院研讨 员,人民日报社神州书画院特约书画家,九三学社社员,中国人民大学艺术学院许俊国画工作室访问学者。书法作品获首都大先生 书法现场大赛个人优越 奖,日本高野山书道协会奖,石景宜博士杯---华夏书画创作大赛优良 奖,中日女流书法大赛银奖等。入选第十届全国书法篆刻展、全国妇女书法篆刻作品展, 第5 届全国妇女书法作品展优秀奖,“瘗鹤铭奖”全国书法大展、北京国际双年展、国际知名女书家书法约请 展,第三届日中书法交流展,“新世纪之歌”中、日、韩美术展,“情趣、神韵 、意境”中国书画名家作品约请 展,新加坡中国当代百家妇女书法展,国际泰墨展等国内外严重 展览。书法作品刊于《中国书法》、《书法》等杂志,刻石于常德诗墙,并被新加坡书法中心等机构收藏。论文《静看芦花隔岸生——文征明书艺撷事》、《董其昌书艺探微》、《笔墨里放出光明》刊于《北京书法》、《北京文艺》、《中国文明 报》等报刊。为人民教育出版社“人教网”编撰《中国艺术·书法篇》。著有《黄自元楷书字谱》1 书。艺术简历收录《中国历代书法家辞典》、《鉴藏》。音乐家
Fang Fang was born in 1968. Children learn from their families and love painting and calligraphy. Graduated from the Department of Ceramic Design, Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University in 1990. He is a member of the Chinese Calligrapher Association, a director of the Beijing Calligrapher Association, a member of the Women's Working Committee of the Beijing Calligrapher Association, a researcher of the Central Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, a special calligrapher and painter of Shenzhou Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the People's Daily, a member of the Jiusan Society, and a visiting scholar of Xu Jun's Chinese Painting Studio of the Art Institute of Calligraphy works were awarded individual prizes in the Capital College Students'Calligraphy Contest, Japan's Takayama Calligraphy Association Award, Doctor Shi Jingyi Cup - Huaxia Calligraphy and Painting Creation Competition Excellence Award, and the Silver Prize in the Sino-Japanese Women's Flow Calligraphy Competition. Enrolled in the 10th National Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition, the National Women's Calligraphy Seal Carving Exhibition, the 5th National Women's Calligraphy Works Exhibition Excellence Award, the Ghost Ming Award, the National Calligraphy Exhibition, the Beijing International Biennial Exhibition, the Invitation Exhibition of International Famous Women Calligraphers, the 3rd Japan-China Calligraphy Exchange Exhibition, the Song of the New Century, China, Japan and Korea Art Exhibition, "Interest, Charm, Artistic Conception" Invitational Exhibition of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Works, Singapore Contemporary Chinese Women's Calligraphy Exhibition, International Thai Mohist Exhibition and other major exhibitions at home and abroad. Calligraphy works are published in Chinese Calligraphy, Calligraphy and other magazines. They are inscribed on Changde Poetry Wall and collected by Singapore Calligraphy Center and other institutions. Papers such as "Looking at Luhua Gebian Sheng-Wen Zhengming Calligraphy and Art Collection", "Dong Qichang Calligraphy and Art Exploration", "Bright Out of Brush and Ink" were published in Beijing Calligraphy, Beijing Literature and Art, and Chinese Culture Newspaper. Write "Chinese Art Calligraphy Chapter" for People's Education Publishing House "People's Education Network". He is the author of Huang Ziyuan's regular script Character Spectrum. Art resume includes Dictionary of Chinese Calligraphers of All Dynasties and Collection of Calligraphers. Musician