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唐家振-触及灵魂的艺术必然 是倾注血汗 的研讨

 唐家振中国人民大学,中国书法家协会首届中国优秀中青年书法家硕士研讨 生,中国书法艺术研讨 院院士。北京世纪名人国际书画院院士, 中国当代艺术家协会副秘书长、韶山毛泽东书法艺术研讨 会理事、中国毛体书法家协会广西分会副主席、中国5 体书法研讨 会副会长。


 唐家振先生1955年生于娟秀 灵毓的左江河畔崇左县驮卢镇。儿时聪慧,九岁即沉迷书法,后得当地苏老秀才欣赏,纳为入室弟子。少年时期,书名即饮誉乡闾,为师长所钦佩。青年时期,几番进修于各书法院校,书艺初具风格。

1988年调入今广西民族师范学院,任专职教师。执教期间,撰写了《中国书法半年速成教学法》,学子近万。现为中国人民大学,北京世纪名人国际书画院院士,前后 被聘为中国当代艺术家协会副秘书长、韶山毛泽东书法艺术研讨 会理事、中国毛体书法家协会广西分会副主席、中国5 体书法研讨 会副会长。

唐家振先生研讨 书法艺术三十余载,作品广被海内外各界人士收藏。中共地方 办公厅、广西壮族自治区文明 厅曾为之主办个人书法展,应邀为世界八大斜塔之1 的左江归龙塔书写多体碑文。其创作并装裱的《毛泽东诗词5 十三首草书大字长卷二百米(宽1.2米)》,1993年应广西首届国际民歌节履行 委员会约请 ,于广西博物馆展出。同年,适逢毛泽东主席百年华诞,该草书长卷由中共地方 办公厅毛主席纪念堂管理局主办展出于首都北京,后收藏 在毛主席纪念堂,至今已20周年。1994年创作了《中国古代诗词精粹七体书法长卷1500米》;2001年创作的《唐朝孙过庭书谱六体真丝书法首卷200米(净重1.9千克)》,应邀展销于2002年中国(天津)第二届书法艺术节,轰动全场。唐家振先生的行书、草书独具风格,特别 是楷书作品更是受到中国书协评审委员会、创作委员会有关领导的高度评价。


 1993年3月,自行创作并装裱的《毛泽东诗词5 十三首草书大字长卷二百米(宽1.2米)》,应93广西首届国际民歌节履行 委员会约请 ,展览于广西博物馆。

1993年12月,毛泽东主席百年华诞之际,由中共地方 办公厅,毛主席纪念堂管理局主办,展出于北京,后收藏 于毛主席纪念堂。




2003年1月全国第三届希望之星书法电视大赛唐家振的9名先生 参加广西赛区提拔 有7人获奖,其中3人获十优取得代表广西进京决赛资历

唐家振先生的书法作品连续四届入展入选北京世界名人国际书画院举办的《中国名人名家书画精品展》,并被中国国学研讨 会授予“庆祝建国六十周年当代中国艺术界最具有影响力人物”和“建国六十周年中国文学艺术最高成就奖金奖”

2012年3月唐家振先生到北京发展后,于创作书法作品同时,潜心研讨 儒学、道学、佛教经典,感悟出颇具佛性的四言诗《舍得得德》已被中国版权保护中心认证。



竞买会开始,由掌管 人介绍了唐老师的简介。然后,就是唐老师给在场的宾客讲话。唐老师非常高兴,在感谢了我司给创造的服务平台以后 ,讲诉了他对书法创作的热爱和独到的理解。告诉他的先生 ,要勤奋,要持之以恒,这样才能得到相应的回报和成绩。唐老师的讲话获得了场下雷鸣般的掌声,全场爆满。

接着,我们非常荣幸的约请 到国家权威鉴定专家——刘岩老师给此次竞买会致辞讲话。刘岩老师看到了唐家振先生的作品,给予了很高的评价:“唐家振先生的书法多体化,犹如行云流水,实属难得。”

此次专场竞买会选出了唐老师的50多幅佳作。台下频频举牌竞争,都希望竞得唐老师的佳作。唐老师的作品目前在市场上的价格上千过万。不少他的先生 在此次竞买会上以较理想的价格竞得了唐老师的佳作,满载而归。

这场专场竞买会,成为了唐老师个人书法作品的“大秀堂”。还有很多唐老师的先生 是站着参与了全场的竞买会。


2012年9月9日上午,书法家唐家振在北京十里河百汇广场A座270本身 的工作室接受了央视网《科技中国》及全球各大中文论坛联播《戴戴访谈》掌管 人戴斌专访!

首先,唐先生现场挥毫泼墨大宋苏东坡之《赤壁怀古》,然后和掌管 人互动良好,交流了人生观艺术观及书道论!讲述了1 些难忘的故事和 书法给众生之价值,书法家之使命!生命之本质和书法之本质之关联烘托呈现出汉字书法比之西洋文字之不同和最有价值点!从而弘扬此中华传统文明 及爱国情怀!最初 和掌管 人代表全球唐氏宗亲和戴氏宗亲向毛主席女儿李讷-台湾领导人马英九-中国台湾地区共产党主席吕宝尧转赠《毛主席诗词书法》,《化独渐统全面复兴 中国》,《钓鱼岛是中国的》。。。并当场书赠掌管 人戴戴《精忠报国》,表达作为炎黄子孙共祈祖国和平统1 实现中华民族伟大复兴之势不可挡,浩浩荡荡,气壮山河,不辱使命!同时原中共地方 办公厅副主任郝盛琦-原中共地方 对外联络部处长冯宗友点评了唐家振先生的作品,给予了高度评价。

Introduction in English

 Tang Jiazhen, Renmin University of China, the first master's degree of Chinese outstanding young and middle-aged calligraphers of China Calligrapher Association, and academician of Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Institute. Academician of Beijing Century Celebrity International Academy of calligraphy and painting, Deputy Secretary General of China Contemporary Artists Association, director of Shaoshan Mao Zedong Calligraphy Art Research Association, vice chairman of Guangxi Branch of China MAOTI Calligrapher Association and vice chairman of China WUTI Calligraphy Research Association.


Tang Jiazhen, Renmin University of China, the first master's degree of Chinese outstanding young and middle-aged calligraphers of China Calligrapher Association, and academician of Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Institute. Academician of Beijing Century Celebrity International Academy of calligraphy and painting, Deputy Secretary General of China Contemporary Artists Association, director of Shaoshan Mao Zedong Calligraphy Art Research Association, vice chairman of Guangxi Branch of China MAOTI Calligrapher Association and vice chairman of China WUTI Calligraphy Research Association.


Mr. Tang Jiazhen was born in 1955 in Tuolu Town, Chongzuo County, the Bank of Zuojiang river. When he was a child, he was very intelligent. When he was nine years old, he fell in love with calligraphy. Later, he was appreciated by the local Su Lao scholar. In his youth, the title of the book was admired by his teachers. In his youth, he studied several times in various calligraphy schools, and calligraphy began to take shape.


In 1988, he was transferred to Guangxi Normal University for Nationalities as a full-time teacher. During his teaching, he wrote a half year quick teaching method of Chinese calligraphy, with nearly ten thousand students. Now he is an academician of Renmin University of China and Beijing century famous international calligraphy and Painting Institute. He has been successively employed as the Deputy Secretary General of China Contemporary Artists Association, the director of Shaoshan Mao Zedong Calligraphy Art Research Association, the vice chairman of Guangxi Branch of China MAOTI Calligrapher Association, and the vice chairman of China WUTI Calligraphy Research Association.


Mr. Tang Jiazhen has studied calligraphy for more than 30 years, and his works are widely collected by people from all walks of life at home and abroad. The general office of the CPC Central Committee and the Department of culture of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region once hosted an individual calligraphy exhibition for which they were invited to write multi-body inscriptions for Zuojiang Guilong pagoda, one of the eight leaning pagodas in the world. In 1993, at the invitation of the Executive Committee of the first International Folk Song Festival in Guangxi, Mao Zedong's fifty-three cursive poems, 200 meters long volume (1.2 meters wide) were exhibited in Guangxi Museum. In the same year, it coincides with Chairman Mao Zedong's Centennial birthday. The long volume of cursive script was hosted by Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall Administration Bureau of the general office of the CPC Central Committee in Beijing. It has been stored in Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall since its 20th anniversary. In 1994, he created 1500 meters long volume of seven body calligraphy of the essence of ancient Chinese poetry; in 2001, he created 200 meters (net weight 1.9 kg) first volume of six body silk calligraphy of the Tang dynasty sun Guoting calligraphy manual, which was invited to be exhibited and sold in the second Calligraphy Art Festival of China (Tianjin) in 2002, making a sensation in the whole field. Mr. Tang Jiazhen's running script and cursive script are unique, especially his regular script works are highly praised by the relevant leaders of the evaluation committee and creation Committee of the Chinese Calligraphy Association.


In March 1993, Mao Zedong's fifty-three cursive large characters with a length of 200m (width of 1.2m), which was created and mounted by himself, was exhibited in Guangxi Museum at the invitation of the Executive Committee of the first Guangxi International Folk Song Festival.


In December 1993, Chairman Mao Zedong's Centennial birthday was hosted by the general office of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall Administration Bureau. The exhibition was held in Beijing and later stored in Chairman Mao's memorial hall.


In 1994, he created a 1500 meter long volume of seven style calligraphy, the essence of ancient Chinese poetry.


In 1996, at the invitation of Chongzuo municipal government and the Bureau of culture and sports, he wrote many inscriptions for Zuojiang Guilong pagoda, one of the eight leaning pagodas in the world.


In 2001, sun Guoting's six body calligraphy silk scroll 200m (net weight: 1.9kg) created by him was invited to be exhibited and sold at the second calligraphy art festival in Tianjin, China, which caused a sensation.


In January 2003, nine students of Tang Jiazhen, the third national hope star calligraphy TV competition, took part in the Guangxi competition area selection, and seven won the awards, three of them won the top ten qualification to represent Guangxi in Beijing final


Mr. Tang Jiazhen's calligraphy works have been selected into the four consecutive exhibitions of Chinese famous calligraphers and paintings held by Beijing World Famous International Academy of calligraphy and painting, and awarded "the most influential person in Contemporary Chinese art circle celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China" and "the gold medal of the highest achievement award of Chinese literature and art in the 60th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China" by the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese studies


In March 2012, after Mr. Tang Jiazhen arrived in Beijing for development, he devoted himself to the study of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhist classics while creating calligraphy works, and realized that the Buddhist four character poem sheddede has been certified by China Copyright Protection Center.

