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2022-04-28 13:09:35




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钟天铎先生,1943年生于苏州。少时以素描、水彩画见称于吴中,少长则努力 于传统书画。精山水、人物、花鸟诸画科,并雅善书法篆刻,尤擅长鉴定书画文物。钟天铎画学用力尤勤,能入其堂奥,学而善变,俱能得其精义,机杼自出。篆刻融合古今,继承发展构成 自家风格。书画、篆刻作品,多次入选国内外展览,颇得时论好评。又曾应邀两度赴日本、三度赴新加坡进行艺术交流,其作品深得彼邦人士赞美 。已出版有《钟天铎书画作品集》、《受斋印谱》(古吴轩出版社)、《中国美术大事记——钟天铎艺术创作形态 》(中国文史出版社)、《钟天铎临〈礼器碑〉》(中国美术学院出版社)等。
钟天铎曾从学于唐云先生,唐云先生评价其“绘画以写意韵为旨趣,尝博涉诸家,转益多师,于青藤、白阳、八大、大涤子、蒲作英、吴缶庐诸家,画家用力尤勤,能入其堂奥,学而善变,俱能得其精义,机抒本身 出。”钟先生的书画的确重视 对比莫以为的表现和把握,气象正大:山水多取法石涛,兼参董其昌,在1 片笔墨氤氲当中 表现古意,气运神畅;花鸟取意海派诸家,善于大胆泼墨,再施以谨慎 收拾,大气而不失俗气 ;篆刻风格别开生面,以秦汉为底不为时人窠臼所拘;书法作品重视 作品内在的籍蕴之妙,吸纳了秦汉石刻与简帛书法中的朴拙、大气,拙意十足又灵动十足。林散之笔赞曰:“有境界,有魄力,浑浑瀚瀚,自成丘壑。”

Introduction to the artist

Mr Zhong Tianduo was born at Suzhou 1943. Little when see with sketch, aquarelle in weighing Yu Wu, grow less to devote oneself to traditional painting and calligraphy. Division of Zhu Hua of landscape of essence of life, character, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, seal cutting of calligraphy of elegant be apt to, be good at cultural relic of appraisal painting and calligraphy especially. Zhong Tianduo picture learns to exert oneself to do sth. You Qin, can the innermost recess of a hall the interior of a country profundity of thought or knowledge into its, learn and capricious, all can get his justice of essence of life, machine reed goes out oneself. Gu Jin of seal cutting confluence, successive development forms oneself style. Work of painting and calligraphy, seal cutting, for many times selected domestic and international exhibition, when be being gotten quite, talk reputably. Ever went to Japan, tierce to go to Singapore to have art communication for two times on invitation again, its work gets admiration of those state public figure greatly. Already published have " collect of work of Zhong Tianduo painting and calligraphy " , " a collection of impressions of seals by famous seal-engravers getting room " (Gu Wuxuan press) , " Chinese art memorabilia -- Zhong Tianduo art creates position " (press of Chinese literary history) , " bell.
Zhong Tianduo Ceng Congxue Mr Yu Tangyun, mr Tang Yun evaluates his " brushwork is objective with enjoyable charm, the experience that taste rich all homes, turn beneficial much division, yu Qing cane, Bai Yang, 8 big, big cleanse child, Pu Zunying, cottage of v/LIT an amphora-like jar all homes, the painter uses Li Youqin, can the innermost recess of a hall the interior of a country profundity of thought or knowledge into its, learn and capricious, all can get his justice of essence of life, machine him express goes out. " behave and hold what the painting and calligraphy of bell gentleman pays attention to contrast to not think really, atmosphere big: Shi Tao of landscape much take as one's model, hold ginseng Dong Jichang concurrently, in a writing dense in behave ancient meaning, enrage movement spirit free; Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style takes meaning sea to send all homes, be good at bold splash-ink, again inflict takes care to clear away, atmosphere and do not break refined; Having sth new of seal cutting style, it is arrest of place of set pattern of the person when the bottom is with Qin Han; Calligraphy work pays attention to work immanent Ji Yunzhi is clever, inducted the Piao Zhuo in carved stone of Chinese of the Qin Dynasty and brief silk calligraphy, air, clumsy idea is very clever and dye-in-the-wood. Pen assist of Linsan says: "Have a state, have daring and resolution, muddy muddy vasts, become Qiu He oneself. Become Qiu He oneself..

