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高明柱-继古人之神韵 开时代之新风

 高明柱,1952年生,字敬之,号寻径斋,河南邓州人,现居北京,国务院国宾礼特供艺术家。现任金石画馆副馆长,中国文明 产业促进会书画艺术委员会副会长,中国毛体书法家协会副主席,中国乡土文明 艺术研讨 院副院长,中国国画艺术书画院艺术顾问,中国红色收藏杂志社顾问,中国新城镇建设书画院院长,中国企业报道艺术本钱 理事会副主席,东方美术家艺术顾问,中国梦之书画界十大领军人物。中国当代德艺双馨艺术大师,中国文明 学会艺委会主席,中国5 体书法研讨 会副会长兼草书专业委员会常务委员,中国艺术鉴定委员会艺术家学部委员,2008首届全国十佳毛体书法家,2009年度感动中国十大艺术骄子,2010首届感动中国文明 人物,2011第二届中国最具网络人气美术家十大年度人物。新中国国礼大师,中国书法十大名家,全国十佳毛体书法家,中国书法院副院长,中华书画学会副主席,中国国学研讨 会名誉会长。


 高明柱受祖辈的影响和庆叶叔的陶冶 ,自幼酷爱书法、诗词,前后 临摹毛体、王羲之的字体,而后又在河南书法院读函授班、在中国书协书法培训中心研修班进修。

1988年毕业于河南书法函授院, 2000年毕业于中国书协书法培训中心研修班,上世纪60年代开始临习毛泽东书法,80年代始临王羲之和历代名家书法,50年如1 日默默耕耘,临池不辍。


2011年《毛泽东书法研讨 》发表高明柱的论文《浅.谈毛泽东满江红艺术性》。

2011年6月,凤凰网领航中国领航会客厅以中国十大书法家之1 ——高明柱为题、作三十分钟的专题报道。

2012年5月,央视网先锋中国先锋会客厅以东方之子 ——高明柱为题、作三十分钟的专题予以报道。


2016年1月2日“高明柱大红袍书法集首发典礼 ”在中华世纪坛美术馆隆重举行。

高明柱的作品在2013年底的1 个画展上,被天津人民美术出版社看中。他不同意用老作品进入“大红袍”系列画册。于2014年初开始,用了九个多月的时间,重新创作了近300幅作品,再挑选出200余幅入选“大红袍”系列画册,在2015年6月完成排版、制造 、装帧等工程,出版2000册。终究 在2016年除夕 召开了“高明柱大红袍书法集首发典礼 ”。 


在创作过程中善于汲取前人的经验和艺术精华,主张艺术源于生活,从平凡的生活中挖掘素材,擅长观察思考、提炼、升华,并获取创作灵感,师古不泥,大胆创新,经过反复锤炼,逐渐 构成 了本身 独特的艺术风格。创作出大量为人称道的优秀作品。 


 作品选登于《文艺报》、《大公报》、《中国文明 报》、《人民日报》、《消费日报》、《收藏快报》、《旅游商报》、《中华英才书画天地》、《金石画馆艺术报》、《中国文明 产业报》、《中华艺术家报》、《中国书画家》、《巅峰艺术》、《经典收藏》、《中外画刊》、《今日收藏》、《今日世界》、《毛泽东书法研讨 》等,被中国网、新华网、人民网、央视网、光明网、凤凰网、三典轩、有为 斋、中国企业报道、亚太艺术网、中国广播网、中国书画网、人民美术网、东方美术家网、影响中国网、和谐中国网采访并报道。并在中国革命军事博物馆、中国国家博物馆、地方 党校、荣宝斋精品画廊、上海世博会联合国国际贸易中心馆、香港、台湾等地展出。被毛泽东纪念收藏馆、联合国儿童基金会收藏,国家邮政局印制成邮票发行。


高明柱被授予“中国拔尖人才”、“东方之子”、“当代中华诗神”、“共和国成功者”、“感动中国十大艺术骄子”、“感动中国文明 人物”、“中国当代德艺双馨艺术大师”等荣誉称号。传略辑入《中外名人辞典》、《艺术人生》、《时代先锋》、《书坛巨擘》、《中国世纪经典记录》、《中国书坛十大风云人物》、《中国十大书法家》、《中国书法十大名家》、《中国书画艺术名家》、《中国当代书法史》、《当代中国书法艺术名家集》、《中国现当代美术家作品全集 》、《新中国国礼艺术大师》、《新中国诗词三百家》等,与沈鹏合集《返璞开新大师风范》,与范曾欧阳中石合集《大师之路》、与刘大为、张海合集《艺术大师三人行》、与冯远合集《艺术与文明的对话》。出版有《高明柱书法》、《高明柱书法作品集》,著有《寻径斋集》。



意。作品雍容大气,古朴,隽永,气势磅礴,意蕴悠久 ,颇受大众乃至国际友人的爱好 和青睐,具有较高的艺术品味,取得了很高的艺术成就。作品被选作国礼赠送给国际友人,受到范曾等老1 辈艺术家的高度评价:“诗书皆佳”。高明柱的书法直取自然万象入书,大气磅礴,匠心独具,其作品大开大合而不失肃穆儒雅、萧洒 飘逸而不失浑厚慎重 ,痛快淋漓而不失规矩法度,实可谓动中寓静,以静致动,静以动美,动因静生,妙趣无量 ,苍静无力 ,气度非凡,美不胜收,有滚滚风云一落千丈 之势,自成1 体。

高明柱的书法博采众长,行草取毛体之狂放,融二王之韵致,摄米南宫之笔意,挥洒自若 ,活泼灵动,古韵悠久 而刚柔并济,雅俗共赏,开1 代行草风格。



高明柱被授予“中国拔尖人才”,“东方之子”,“当代中华诗神”,“共和国成功者”,“感动中国十大艺术骄子”,“感动中国文明 人物”,“德艺双馨艺术大师”等荣誉称号。

传略辑入《中外名人辞典》、《艺术人生》、《1 代名家》、《中国书坛十大风云人物》、《中国十大书法家》、《中国书法十大名家》、《艺术大师三人行》、《新中国诗词三百家》、《中国影响力人物大典》等。著有《寻径斋集》。

Introduction in English

 Gao Mingzhu, born in 1952, is from Dengzhou, Henan Province. He lives in Beijing. He is a special artist for state guest ceremony under the State Council. Currently, he is the deputy curator of Jinshi painting Museum, vice chairman of calligraphy and painting art committee of China Association for the promotion of cultural industry, vice chairman of China MAOTI Calligrapher Association, vice president of China Academy of local culture and art, art consultant of China Academy of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy, consultant of China red collection magazine, President of China new town construction calligraphy and Painting Institute, vice chairman of China enterprise reporting art capital Council, and Oriental Artist art consultant, ten leading figures in Chinese dream painting and calligraphy. China's contemporary virtuous and artistic master, chairman of the Art Committee of the Chinese cultural society, vice president of the Chinese pentathlon Calligraphy Research Association and standing member of the cursive calligraphy professional committee, member of the artist Department of the Chinese art appraisal committee, the first top ten Chinese hairy calligraphers in 2008, the top ten Chinese artists in 2009, the first moved Chinese cultural figures in 2010, the second most powerful website in China in 2011 Top 10 artists of the year. New China Guoli master, top 10 Chinese calligraphers, top 10 Maoti calligraphers in China, vice president of Chinese Calligraphy Academy, vice president of Chinese painting and calligraphy society, honorary president of Chinese Sinology Research Association.


Under the influence of his ancestors and the influence of Uncle Qing Ye, Gao Mingzhu loved calligraphy and poetry since his childhood. He copied Mao style and Wang Xizhi's fonts successively, and then read correspondence classes in Henan Calligraphy Academy and advanced studies in China Calligraphy Association Training Center.


He graduated from Henan calligraphy correspondence Academy in 1988, and from the training center of Chinese Calligraphy Association in 2000. He began to study Mao Zedong calligraphy in the 1960s, Wang Xizhi and other famous calligraphers in the 1980s. For 50 years, he cultivated silently and kept working in linchi.


In September 2010, Gao Mingzhu's calligraphy works were exhibited in the United Nations International Trade Center Pavilion of Shanghai World Expo.


In 2011, research on Mao Zedong's calligraphy published Gao Mingzhu's paper shallow. On Mao Zedong's Red Art in the river.


In June 2011, Fenghuang net piloted China's navigation reception hall, with Gao Mingzhu, one of China's top ten calligraphers, as the title, making a 30 minute special report.


In May 2012, the vanguard China vanguard reception hall of CCTV made a 30 minute special report on Gao Mingzhu, the son of the East.


In February 2013, he was rated as a special artist for state guest ceremony of the State Council. His works were designated as state ceremony of China. Calligraphy Runge has a domestic market of 22000 yuan per square foot and an international market of 4000 dollars per square foot.


On January 2, 2016, "the first ceremony of gaomingzhu Dahongpao calligraphy collection" was held in China century altar Art Museum.


Gao Mingzhu's works were seen by Tianjin People's fine arts publishing house at a painting exhibition at the end of 2013. He did not agree to use the old works to enter the "Dahongpao" series. Since the beginning of 2014, it has taken more than nine months to recreate nearly 300 works, and then select more than 200 works to be selected into the "Dahongpao" series of albums. In June 2015, it completed the typesetting, production, binding and other projects, and published 2000 volumes. Finally, on New Year's Day 2016, "the first ceremony of gaomingzhu Dahongpao calligraphy collection" was held.


In May 2017, Gao Mingzhu participated in the 17th annual summary conference of China Centennial Caifeng and CCTV Figure Award Ceremony and won the prize.


In the process of creation, he is good at absorbing predecessors' experience and artistic essence. He advocates that art originates from life, excavates materials from ordinary life, is good at observing, thinking, refining and sublimating, and gets creative inspiration. He has created a large number of excellent works.

