喜多川歌麿きたがわ うたまろ (1753年-1806年),是日本浮世绘最著名的大师之1 。善画美人画。生于江户(今东京)农家,1806年9月20日卒于同地。原姓北川,幼名市太郎,后名勇助、勇记。据说出身于江户(今东京)北面上野山麓1 带的农家,初师画家鸟山石燕,擅役者绘。天明时,出版商茑屋重三郎发现了他的才华,始在美人画上建立起本身 的风格。20岁时,他所画的书籍封面有"北川丰章"的落款,29岁才从丰章改为歌麿。自那当前 ,他逐渐 成为浮世绘美人画的第 1位代表性画家。他的创作活动正值江户市民文明 的全盛期,其作品成为江户市民文明 中的重要组成部分。
作为浮世绘美人画家,喜多川歌麿直追鸟居清长。他与当时的文学名人结交,以新的时代感觉,在绘画中寻求 合乎理想和社会风尚的美,对社会地位低下的歌舞伎乃至妓女也充满同情。他的画以精确 的线条和单纯的色块,描绘女性的官能美,刻画女性的心思 活动。歌麿完全靠自学成才,终身 描绘女性,留下了许多优秀作品。
喜多川终身 创作了许多优秀的浮世绘美人画 。作品寻求 合乎理想和社会风尚的美,对社会底层的歌舞伎乃至妓女充满同情,善于刻画人物心思 活动。其画风不断 影响到近古代 ,跟随 者甚众。1804年因绘制《太阁洛东5 妻游观》得罪幕府,受手铐刑。不久死去,葬于浅草菊屋桥专光寺。
歌麿的门人恋川春町更名为二代歌麿。另外,他还有菊麿、月麿、秀麿等众多跟随 者。其美人画画风不断 影响到近古代 的镝木清方、上村松园、伊东深水等人 。
喜多川终身 创作了许多优秀的浮世绘美人画 。作品寻求 合乎理想和社会风尚的美,对社会底层的歌舞伎乃至妓女充满同情,善于刻画人物心思 活动。其画风不断 影响到近古代 ,跟随 者甚众。1804年因绘制《太阁洛东5 妻游观》得罪幕府,受手铐刑。
喜多川歌磨是以画妇女和民间风俗为特长的著名浮世绘画家。他和葛饰北斋和 十九世纪的安腾广重被日本学者尊称为“浮世绘三大师”。他的突出成就在于他创造了1 种大面部特写式的新风格,即所谓“大首绘”。这是1 种把人的脸部画的比较大的重在刻画人物的画法。长长的脸型,像线1 样细的眼睛和高高的身材,这就是喜多川歌磨笔下的人物的1 种独特风格。这类 风格和他的艳丽的色彩,构成了他绘画艺术的重要特色。
Errors in Xiduochuan Gequ (1753-1806, (Baohuan 3 years (1753) hectares?- Culture 30 September (October 31, 1806)). Hido Kawakawa Ge [m] is one of the most famous masters of Japanese Ukiyo painting. Beauty painting, born in Edo (now Tokyo) farmhouse, died in the same place on September 20, 1806. He was the founder of Big Head Painting, a bust with a face close-up.
Errors in Xiduochuan Gequ (1753-1806, (Baohuan 3 years (1753) hectares?- Culture 30 September (October 31, 1806)). Hido Kawakawa Ge [m] is one of the most famous masters of Japanese Ukiyo painting. Beauty painting, born in Edo (now Tokyo) farmhouse, died in the same place on September 20, 1806. He was the founder of Big Head Painting, a bust with a face close-up. Hido Kawakawa Ge (1753-1806) is one of the most famous masters of Japanese Ukiyo painting. Good at painting beautiful people. Born in a farmhouse in Edo (now Tokyo), he died in the same place on September 20, 1806. The original name is Beichuan, a young Tailang, and the later name is Yongshu and Yongji. It is said that he was born in a farmhouse in the north of Edo (now Tokyo) near the foot of the Wild Mountains. He was a novice painter, Bird Hill Stone Swallow, and was painted by servicemen. At dawn, publisher Miyagi Chongsanlang discovered his talent and began to build his own style in beauty painting. When he was 20 years old, the cover of the book he painted was inscribed with the words "Beichuan Fengzhang", and it was only at 29 that he changed from Fengzhang to Geluo. Since then, he has gradually become the first representative painter of Ukiyo Beauty Painting. His creative activities coincide with the heyday of Edo citizen culture, and his works have become an important part of Edo citizen culture.
As a painter of Ukiyo Beauty, Xiduochuan sings directly after the birds live in Qingchang. With the literary celebrities at that time, he pursued the ideal and social fashion beauty in painting with a new sense of the times, and sympathized with the underprivileged Kabuki and prostitutes. His paintings depict women's functional beauty with accurate lines and simple color blocks, and depict women's psychological activities. The song bran is totally self-taught, depicting women all his life, leaving behind many excellent works.
Xiduochuan created many excellent Ukiyo paintings all his life. The works pursue the beauty that conforms to the ideal and social fashion. They are full of sympathy for the Kabuki and prostitutes at the bottom of the society. They are good at depicting the psychological activities of the characters. His style of painting has been influencing the modern times, with many followers. In 1804, he offended the shogunate and was handcuffed for drawing "Taige Luodong Five Wives Tour". Soon he died and was buried in the Temple of Specialized Light at Shallow Cao Juwuqiao.
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