(1 )展览
1999年壁画作品《美的历程》参加第九届全国美展;2002年参加中国文明 部组织在孟加拉举办的“亚洲艺术双年展”; 2003年综合材料绘画作品《大美有形 》获“第二届中国岩彩画展”金奖;2005年在俄罗斯圣彼得堡美术家协会展览馆举办《涅瓦脚印 ——宋克作品展》,作品《老拉德加》被俄罗斯圣彼得堡美术家协会收藏;2008年参加由文明 部组织主办的“聚焦非洲美术作品展” ; 2009年应美国圣何塞艺术博物馆约请 ,赴美参加“挪动 的景观美术作展” ;2009年壁画作品《金色时光》参加“第二届全国壁画大展” ;2009年版画作品《土陶家族》入选“第十1 届全国美术作品展” 。
前后 完成创作的壁画及公共艺术作品有:中国人民建设银行总行的大型壁画《春到江南》、中国水利部的大型铜浮雕壁画《水利之光》、敦煌山庄的大型炳烯壁画《丝路魄宝》、国务院发展研讨 中心的大型锻铜雕塑《奉献》、电子工业部的大型不锈钢雕塑《腾飞》、石家庄世纪大饭店的大型编织壁画《华夏魂》、北京大铁塔剧场的大型铜浮雕壁画《金色时光》、
1、出版专著《欧洲古代 城市雕塑》(江西美术出版社)。
3、论文“古代 装潢 绘画的时代精神”发表于《21世纪中国高等美术院校艺术设计教学经典》(花山文艺出版社)。
4、论文“学院派教育与理想 主义外型 基础”发表于《中国当代画坛60家》(中国文联出版社)
(四) 2008年应非洲塞内加尔国立艺术学院约请 ,作为国家文明 部公派专家赴塞内加尔国立艺术学院进行学术交流和教学活动。
作为视觉艺术的绘画作品,情势 和精神是组成画面结构的两个最重要要素 。 伴随着科学技术的不断发展和进步,愈来愈 多的材质被艺术家们广泛地利用 到艺术实践中,为使绘画的表达方式更适于反映时代精神,艺术家们对材质的思考与认识已成为艺术创作中的必然,这不仅给古代 绘画在形状 上带来变革,同时也丰富了视觉艺术的情势 语汇。随着绘画材料的不断拓展,给艺术家的创作提供了更大的空间和可能,这不仅在外型 言语 、色彩言语 和材料言语 上丰富了画面的表现力和款式 ,同时还极大地丰富了绘画的精神内涵和视觉冲击力。
古代 形状 的中国艺术需求 艺术家们从中国文明 的本体出发,将艺术材质与画面精神完善 无机 地契合在一同 ,创作出具有独特而丰富视觉艺术的情势 语汇,这样才能在表达主题的创作过程中实现完善 和谐的统1 ,从而获得其独特的艺术价值和画面的感染力。
(2)壁画艺术言语 研讨
在当今信息时代,东东方 传统壁画的言语 和体系开始出现某些变化,文明 传统的承传性使壁画必须将以其量变 的方式向古代 形状 转换,艺术家应当 在继承发展传统壁画的同时,对古代 壁画创作中的外型 言语 、色彩言语 、材料言语 等创作模式进行重新思考和深入研讨 ,从而使古代 壁画艺术更加多元而广阔,创作的自在 性是古代 壁画艺术言语 的精神所在。
Song Ke (June 15, 1963 ~) is a Beijing native. He lives in Beijing and is a member of China American Association. He stayed at the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts after graduation in 1994. In 1999, the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts was merged into Tsinghua University. He is an associate professor and tutor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University. He has studied in the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, the Central Academy of Fine Arts, the Russian Lebin Academy of Fine Arts, and has a master's degree. Teaching Professional Basic Sketch, Color, Landscape Sketch, Professional Modeling Language Research, Tempera, Mural Creation
(1) Exhibitions
In 1999, the mural work The Course of Beauty participated in the 9th National Art Exhibition; in 2002, it participated in the Asian Art Biennale organized by the Ministry of Culture of China in Bangladesh; in 2003, the comprehensive material painting work The Great Beauty Invisible won the Gold Prize of the 2nd Chinese Rock Painting Exhibition; and in 2005, it held the "Neva Footprint-Songke Works Exhibition" at the Exhibition Hall of the Association of Artists of St. Petersburg, Russia. In 2008, he participated in the "Focus on African Art Exhibition" organized by the Ministry of Culture; in 2009, he went to the United States to participate in the "Mobile Landscape Art Exhibition" at the invitation of the American Museum of Art in San Jose; in 2009, he participated in the "Second National Fresco Exhibition" in the mural work "Golden Time"; Pin Tutao Family was selected as the 11th National Art Exhibition.
(2) Murals and public works of Art
The murals and public works of art completed successively include: the large-scale mural "Spring to the South of the Yangtze River" by the head office of the People's Construction Bank of China, the large-scale copper relief mural "Light of Water Conservancy" by the Ministry of Water Resources of China, the large-scale Bingene mural "Silk Road Boulder", the large-scale forged copper sculpture "Dedication" by the State Council Development Research Center, and the large-scale stainless steel sculpture "Take off" by the Ministry of Electronic Industry. The large-scale woven murals of Shijiazhuang Century Hotel "The Soul of China" and the large-scale copper relief murals of Beijing Grand Iron Tower Theatre "Golden Time";
(3) Works
1. Publishing the monograph "European Modern City Sculpture" (Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House).
2. Editorial Board of World Relief Art (Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House).
3. The paper "The Spirit of the Times of Modern Decorative Painting" was published in "Classics of Art Design Teaching in Chinese Academies of Fine Arts in the 21st Century" (Huashan Literature and Art Publishing House).
4. The paper "The Foundation of Academic Education and Realistic Modeling" was published in 60 Contemporary Chinese Painting Schools (Chinese Federation Press).
5. The paper "On Material Expression and Artistic Creation" was published in World Art.
(4) In 2008, at the invitation of the National Academy of Art of Senegal, Africa, as a public expert of the Ministry of Culture, went to the National Academy of Art of Senegal for academic exchanges and teaching activities.