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2022-03-11 17:43:02




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更藏(1920.5—1996.9)土族,青海铜仁人。擅长壁画。50年代曾入青海黄南州民族公学艺术部学习。青海黄南州热贡藏艺术研讨 所干部。作品有《壁饰图案》等。
1981年,他与十余名艺人一同 精心绘制了百余幅具有代表性的作品,并赴北京、上海、西宁等地、市展出,受到国内外各界人士的好评。1986年,原总书记胡耀邦视察黄南时,曾亲切接见更藏先生,勉励他藏族民间艺术继续发扬光大,培养后继。不断 努力 于热贡艺术的研讨 、整理工作,并收徒传授技艺。馆藏作品有《东方持国天王》、《妙音天女》、《普贤菩萨》、《黄文殊菩萨》、《格萨尔王出征》等。
更藏有纯熟 的技艺和艺术涵养 ,对热贡艺术研讨 精深,见地独特,是黄南州最著名的三大名师之1 。

Introduction to the artist

More hide (1920.5, 1996.9) the Tu nationality, qinghai copper benevolence person. Be good at mural. 50 time ever entered Qinghai folk of Huang Na city is common learn artistic ministry to learn. City of Qinghai Huang Na heats up tribute to hide artistic institute cadre. Work has " the wall acts the role of design " etc.
More Tibet rises from childhood, follow a be used to of Shi Sangjie the Imperial College is painterly. Division of 20 annual expenditure, begin to be in green, pleasant, plain wait for a province each big fane brushwork. Came 1940 1949, be in afore-mentioned waiting for the province completes work of more than 3000 mural, Tang Ka, make its reputation big brace up. In the meantime, of the transmission that also is hot tribute art and house of art of hot Gong Yi found the effect with rose main.
1981, he and more than 10 actor an elaborate scale have representative work more than 100 times, go to and other places of Beijing, Shanghai, Xining, city to exhibit, get of personage of domestic and international all circles reputably. 1986, when former secretary-general Hu Yaobang inspects Huang Na, ever kind interview more Tibetan gentleman, encourage his Tibetian folk art continues to carry forward, foster succeed. The research that devotes oneself to hot tribute art all the time, arrange the job, receive apprentice to impart craft. Holding work has " east runs a country day king " , " wonderful tone day female " , " Pu Xian Bodhisattva " , " Bodhisattva of yellow Wen Shu " , " Gesaer king go out for a battle " etc.
More Cang Youxian's ripe craft and artistic accomplishment, artistic to heating up tribute research is profound, insight is distinctive, it is one of 3 names division with Huang Na the famousest city.

