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2022-03-11 17:16:24




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何韦,1934年11月生。黑龙江克山人,客籍 辽宁法库。满族。擅长漫画、美术评论。何韦曾历任《工人日报》社美术编辑、美术摄影部主任、高级记者等职,长时间 从事全国职工的美术与摄影等的组织和报道工作。从1953年开始,经何韦主编的“工人的画”专栏,至今已达到1430多期,扶持培养大批职工和青年画家,为我国的群众美术事业做出突要贡献。
何韦曾担任中国美术家协会漫画艺术委员会委员,2002年获“中国漫画金猴奖(成就奖)”。代表作有《冷餐席上的热战》(1985年获全国旧事 漫画奖)、《衣裳架子》、《酒歌图》等。出版有《何韦漫笔》、《笑的使者》、《笔情墨趣》、《翰墨情》、《智者的笑声》等书籍。

Introduction to the artist

He Wei, unripe in November 1934. Heilongjiang captures hill person, library of law of ancestral home Liaoning. Manchu. Be good at comment of caricature, art. He Wei ever was had successively held the posts of " the Workers'Daily " the duty such as head of department of photography of company art editor, art, senior correspondent, the organization that is engaged in the art of countrywide worker and photography for a long time waiting and report work. From L953 year begin, via He Wei chief editor " the worker's picture " column, already achieved up to now 1430 much period, give aid to foster large quantities of workers and young painter, make for the masses painting career of our country dash forward want contribution.
He Wei ever held the position of committee member of committee of art of caricature of Chinese artist association, obtained 2002 " award of monkey of Chinese caricature gold (achievement award) " . Masterpiece has " the shooting war on buffet banquet " (won award of countrywide news caricature 1985) , " clothes haughty manner " , " wine song pursues " etc. Publish have " He Wei informal essay " , " the emissary that laugh " , " pen affection Chinese ink is interesting " , " affection of brush and ink " , " wisdom person laugh " wait for a book.

