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 刘文焕,1 九四5 年生,河北省书法家协会会员,本籍 河北省涞源县,早年从政,现居河北保定市,专事小楷书法创作。

自幼酷爱弄墨,专攻楷书,近些年来臻于成熟,备受同仁及各界关注,尤以小楷最受赞成 、广受青睐,文明 价值、艺术价值、市场价值逐年上升,前景可观。

2005年5万字的书法作品《京剧脸谱艺概》由中国书店编印成书出版发行,该书被国家图书馆、北京博物馆、大英博物馆、德国国家博物馆等世界著名文明 殿堂收藏,书法作品《观音宝典三种合参》由北京法源寺收藏。

2011年创作完成了,旨在歌颂中华民族两岸三地体育健儿敢于奋进、勇于拼搏精神的29米楷书长卷《中华奥运金牌榜》,原国家体委主任伍绍先人 生高度评价这幅精品力作,并亲笔提序,在保定市公开展出后令观者叫绝。

2013年春季开始专攻《毛泽东诗词书法》长卷的创作,估计 本年内创作出十余幅精品,其中3-5幅精品要赠送给毛泽东生前曾经活动过的重要历史场所,第1 幅已于2013年2月中旬创作完成。


Introduction in English

 Liu Wenhuan, born in 1945, is a member of Hebei Calligrapher's Association. His ancestral home is Laiyuan County, Hebei Province. He started politics in his early years and now lives in Baoding City, Hebei Province. He specializes in Xiaokai calligraphy.


Since childhood, he has been fond of making ink and specializing in regular script. In recent years, he has become mature and attracted the attention of colleagues and all walks of life. Especially, Xiaokai is the most praised and favored. Its cultural value, artistic value and market value are increasing year by year, with a promising future.


In 2005, the 50000 character calligraphy work "Beijing opera facial makeup art concept" was compiled and printed by the Chinese bookstore and published. The book was collected by the National Library, Beijing Museum, British Museum, German National Museum and other world-famous cultural halls. The calligraphy work "three kinds of reference of Guanyin classic" was collected by Beijing Fayuan temple.


In 2011, the creation of the 29 meter long volume "China Olympic gold medal list" was completed, aiming at praising the courage of athletes on both sides of the Chinese nation. Mr. Wu Shaozu, the former director of the State Sports Commission, highly praised the masterpiece and personally proposed the preface, which won the audience's praise after it was publicly displayed in Baoding.


In the spring of 2013, he began to specialize in the creation of the long volume of Mao Zedong's poetry and calligraphy. It is expected that more than ten fine works will be created this year, among which 3-5 fine works will be presented to the important historical sites where Mao Zedong once lived. The first one has been completed in the middle of February 2013.


2014 is the year of Tang poetry and Song poetry creation. Liu Wenhuan's calligraphy work and exhibition room in Shijiazhuang met with the audience in mid June 2013.

