王润松,男,1978年出生,江苏东台人,少时随家父王华东先生学书,后考入南京艺术学院书法篆刻专业,师从黄惇、马士达、苏金海等,又得吴门华人德先生教诲,现为中国书法家协会会员,九三学社社员,南京印社社员,盐城市青年书法美术家协会副主席,善书法,工篆刻,偶作山水小品。书法作品前后 参加全国电视书法大赛、首届手卷书法展、行草书展,1 、二届篆书展,二届册页展、隶书展。二三届扇面展,5 届百家精品展,七届楹联展,九、十、十1 届全国展,中国文联《中华情》美术书法作品巡展等中国书协专业大展和专题展四十多次。书法作品获:
全国首届杏花村“汾酒杯”电视书法大赛(行楷) ;
“建党八十5 周年”全国书法展(行草);
纪念“老子诞辰二百七十八周年”全国书法展(隶书) ;
“中华情”美术书法巡展(隶书) ;
江苏省5 星工程奖银奖;
江苏省廉政建设书法展1 等奖。
Wang Runsong, male, born in 1978, Jiangsu Dongtai people, less with father Mr. east school books, later admitted to the Nanjing Arts Institute under the tutelage of professional calligraphy, Huang Linton, Ma Roth, Su Jinhai, and Mr. Wu Chinese teachings, now Chinese Calligraphers Association, 93 members of society, Nanjing engravers society. Vice chairman of Yancheng City Artists Association, youth calligraphy calligraphy and seal industry, even as landscape. Calligraphy has participated in the national contest, the first TV calligraphy calligraphy exhibition, cursive hand book fair, the one or two session of the two session of the exhibition Zhuanshu, Lishu exhibition, exhibition album. The two or three session of the five session of the exhibition sector, 100 exhibition, seven, ten, nine couplets exhibition, the eleven national exhibition of China Federation "China Passion" works of calligraphy exhibition and professional exhibition and Exhibition Association Chinese forty times. Calligraphy works:
Organized by Chinese Calligraphers association:
The first "Xinghuacun Fenjiu Cup" TV calligraphy contest (saying);
"The National Calligraphy Competition Award (script);
Of the second national calligraphy exhibition sector (script);
The third sector calligraphy exhibition
"The seventy anniversary of the victory of the Red Army National Calligraphy Exhibition (script);
"The eighty-five anniversary of the founding of the National Calligraphy Exhibition (cursive);
The first national calligraphy exhibition;
"Lao Tzu to commemorate the two hundred and seventy-eight anniversary of the birth of" National Calligraphy Exhibition (script);
The first Chinese "Pu'er tea" Calligraphy Art Festival (cursive;
"China Passion" art exhibition of calligraphy (official script);
Ninth national seal calligraphy exhibition (script).
The first national seal Exhibition
The first hand calligraphy exhibition
Jiangsu Wuxing engineering award;
Jiangsu reform and opening up gold medal painting and calligraphy exhibition;
Jiangsu province clean construction calligraphy exhibition first prize.
As a professional calligraphy works have Nanjing Arts Institute undergraduate course self-study examination of professional samples published in art and design Jiangsu self-study exam 209th cover and national core journals 103 (script).